Niagalé Bagayoko is a political scientist. She has done extensive field research on security systems in African Francophone countries, Western security policies (France, United States, European Union) in Africa and African conflict-management mechanisms, focusing on the interface between security and development. She has taught at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Science Po) in Paris. From 2010 to 2015, she managed the “peacekeeping and peacebuilding programme” at the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) and was a member of the Scientific Committee of the French IRSEM (Institut de recherches stratégiques de l'Ecole militaire). She is now the Chair of the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) .
Encore une énième mutinerie en Côte d'Ivoire ce vendredi. La grogne qui est partie de Bouaké, capitale de l'ex-rébellion armée en Côte d'I voire, a gagné les villes de Daloa et Daoukro, dans le centre, et Korhogo dans le nord.